about nate.p.k.

Hi – and welcome! Hope that if you stumbled onto my page you’re finding something you like and will be coming back. It’s hard to imagine you wouldn’t want to stick around. (Kidding. Kind of.)

But a little about me. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my partner and our two dogs, Bennington and Chester. I started my career in agency life working in media, but have since worked in retail leading the Social Marketing and Consumer Brand PR team and Brand Strategy team at Kohl’s. I love my job and love our team.

Over the past several years I’ve become more heavily involved in Diversity & Inclusion efforts both at work and in the community. At Kohl’s, I lead the LGBTQIA+ business resource group and have seen an impact of that work stretch way beyond what I imagined would have been possible when we got started five years ago. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen and heard me talking about that journey.

So that’s a tiny bit about me. Hope to see you around!

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